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Landulph Orchard Green Volunteers

The whole idea of Landulph Orchard Green (LOG) is that it will be developed by the community for the community.  A Working Group of Landulph Parish Council looks after the day to day development of LOG, reporting to the Parish Council. The LOG Working Group consists of:  Martin Worth (chair), Rebecca Best, Andrew and Jo Butcher, Gill Mannings Cox, Phillida Jermain, Paul and Gwen Morris, Steve Pearson, Jenny Turnage, Clare Tagg.

There is a group of volunteers who are helping with the development of LOG; this means doing everything from planting trees to making tea.  Phillida Jermain keeps a list of the volunteers and will email when there are jobs that need doing.

How to volunteer

If you are interested in giving a helping hand, no matter how infrequently then all you need to do is agree to the following points:

  • You have read and understood the Parish Council's safeguarding policy
  • You work as a LOG volunteer at your own risk
  • You have read and agree to the Volunteer Health and Safety Practices
  • You will make sure there is a first aid kit and mobile phone when working on site (if necessary borrow a first aid kit from the porch of Tamarisk - opposite the now closed pub at the bottom of Fore Street) 
  • Please use your own tools
  • Please check what is needed to be done at the time (and what is not) with one of the members of the Working Group listed above
  • You agree to your details being stored on a list of LOG Volunteers which may be shared with other members of the LOG Working Group

Please email your acceptance of the above seven points to

Next volunteer day

We don't have a date for the next volunteer day but if you would like to help with the construction of the Composting Toilet please contact Clare Tagg or Andrew Butcher.

In the meantime, if you want to do some work in Duke Orchard there are two jobs that need doing:

  • cutting off docks as close to the ground as possible and throw the leaves into the hedge
  • spreading wood chip around each tree (about 1 metre) to deter weeds; wood chip is available next to the shed up the farm track and there is a rather old wheelbarrow in the hedge by the gate

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