Strategic Intent and Progress 2023/24
(Image - Chart of progress against priorities)
In April 2023, LPCAG reevaluated our priorities for the next year - we all agreed that our priorities of Biodiversity and Transport would continue for another year with Biodiversity renamed to Nature Recovery as this more accurately reflects what we want to achieve. Other topic headings include Energy, Youth Engagement, Local Community and Networking. We will maintain Recycling with a view to prioritising this topic in 2024 to coincide with changes in Cornwall County Council’s waste management services. The chart above illustrates the activities we have completed so far this year against our priorities:
In terms of nature recovery we have completed:
- Community Orchard Inaugural Meeting
- Coombe Corner: Parish Newsletter article
- Winter talk: Nature recovery in Landulph's changing climate
- Winter talk: Food for Thought
- Ponds make me happy: Parish newsletter article
- Visit to Earth Barton and Tim Willians with SEA
- Visit to Tom Derham's Farm
- School environment visit
- Tamar Valley Newsletter Article
In terms of transport we have completed:
- Methane transport: Visit from Jason Gallop, CORMAC
- Hopper Bus: regular shop transport and community social events
- Go Cornwall bus service (452 and 454)
We have also purchased a thermal imaging camera and written a Parish Newsletter article about it as part of our energy priority.
We have established an Instagram presence as part of local community and networking.
Strategic Intent and Progress 2022/23
4th April 2023